The precise moment of impact during self discovery, that's the stuff, that's the real McCoy. It's the feeling of amazement and peace, like you're standing in a lush field of brilliant yellow flowers that seem to endlessly blanket the horizon. A warm summer breeze brushes your cheek. You look up to see clouds clearing and the crystal clear blue sky being revealed so reverently that you stand in awe. What once seemed too distant and out of reach, like the frustration of something being on the tip of your tongue or just beyond your fingertips is now before you in all it's glory. You connect the dots and say, "Aha I get it" and suddenly you're catapulted further along your path to bliss, happiness & joy.
Read MoreMiracles Abound When There is Love!
“Life is our greatest possession and love its greatest affirmation!” Leo Buscaglia, (the original motivational speaker and “ love guru”)
Read MoreKicked Out of the Nest
What I am actually saying is that we need to be willing to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly. Shakti Gawain
Read MoreThe Happiness Series: Positive Affirmations
Good News! Finally, there is scientific research to back up what psychologists and therapists have been saying for years; acting on what makes people happy has a powerful effect on their lives. In other words, the pursuit of happiness doesn’t happen to people because they are just lucky; on the contrary, bliss occurs by actively monitoring your current thoughts and actively practicing new ones.
Read MoreFrom Grief to Peace
“There is nothing in this world that I can tell you that you already don’t know… you have just forgotten” Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now Have you ever had someone tell you, after several months of grieving, that you are on the right track?
Read MoreFreedom from Emotional Eating
Mental Fitness provides Body Fitness and Freedom from emotional Eating Tis the season, or the summer season for baring all or at least shorts, tanks, bathing suits and flip-flops! If you’re like most of us your stomach may have given you a little twinge after reading that sentence. Actually, just the thought of dawning my bathing suit anytime gives me an uncomfortable feeling. I have the tendency to be what would be termed an emotional eater.
Read MoreFind Your Healing Tribe
Seeking a Snuggie Do you have stress related back & shoulder pain and seek relief ? Would you like support in creating a healthier happier you? Does this sound like one of those late night infomercials or pitch emails, that you actually signed up for, inundating your inbox.
Read MoreLift Your Spirit with a Color Activator
Using Color Imagery to Reduce Emotional Upset and Activate Happiness The world is full of color. One can even go further and say that the world is ALIVE with color. Color has a frequency or vibration that emanates as waves from an object. This vibration is seen by the human eye as a particular hue.
Read MoreLet’s Get to the Root of the Matter
Have you asked yourself lately, “How do I get back to cultivating my dreams and get out of the day to day stress and worry cycle that seems to be overtaking my thoughts?” Do you feel that you are doing everything you can just to take care of basic needs just to get through your day, only to lay your head on your pillow at night from exhaustion? Are temporary visions of glorious playtime dancing in your head only to be interrupted by the call to take care of that long list in front of you?
Read MoreDiscovering Your Life’s Purpose IS A Way To Prosperity
When thinking about living an abundant and prosperous life, acquiring things of comfort are usually at the top of the list. For many people thoughts of a nice home, new car or jetting off to parts unknown on an incredible vacation immediately come to mind, for others it’s health and happiness, still others it’s about acquiring money. Of course this is all dependent upon your definition of prosperity as a whole.
Read MoreTo thine own self be true
What a wonderful and insightful post by by Bronnie Ware, a woman who wrote of her experience listening to the dying words of those she took care of. What resonates for me when I read this is,
Read More"Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive"
I recently emailed a friend to let her know how wonderful it is to have her friendship in my life, that she is a loving, talented, supportive soul. I was elated from a recent visit from her and wanted to share my appreciation. It took me all of a few minutes to send that communication to her. She said upon receiving the email, she just melted.
Read MoreBe Creative and Envision for Yourself a New Landscape
Have you ever looked into your clothes closet or peaked in the garage and became overwhelmed by the thought of clearing out the old stuff even though the end result would be creating and optimizing a new space? Have you ever looked at your life and thought “if I could make some changes I would be happier”, but felt overwhelmed by the enormity of the task and didn’t know how or where to start?
Read MoreMother's Miracle! Rooibos Tea
A delicious tea for the whole family including children!
Here's a tip for parents, just mix this natural, decaffeinated beverage with milk and your baby will soon stop suffering from stomach pain caused by colic and sleep easily. Hence why this tea is sometimes called Mother's Miracle. This relaxing healing tea is also rich in antioxidants and has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system. Read on for many more benefits, including healthy smooth skin, tips for tired eyes, and finally something to help with insomnia and headaches.
Read MoreGet Unstuck, Remove Past Limitations and Soar to New Personal Heights!
Spirit is the Life, Mind is the Builder and the Physical is the Result. ~Edgar Cayce (spiritualist, medical intuitive, psychic) The phrase, “mind is the builder” was the fundamental assertion behind all of the Edgar Cayce readings. In other words, your mind is the driving force and power to whom you already are, who you are becoming and what determines where you are going. Moreover, the idea that “a person is 100% responsible for their thoughts, feelings and actions” was also one of the main therapeutic tenants that characterized the American psychologist Albert Ellis in the 1950”s.
Read MoreHoly Creativity!
Herb of the Month: Holy Basil, an herb to inspire calm creativity!Also referred to as tulsi tea, the beverage originated in India thousands of years ago and is known for its rich antioxidant and adaptogenic properties that promote wellness and longevity.
Holy basil contains hundreds of compounds known as phyto-chemicals that work together to create strong anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and immune-enhancing properties.
Read MoreLooking Refreshed and Awake, even if youʼre not.
Makeup Tips from the Set with Celebrity Make Up Artist Kim Greene
Iʼm still working on the Charlieʼs Angels pilot and we have been doing night shoots. Basically that means we start our day at around 4pm and work until 7 am when the sun comes up. Even making an Angel look beautiful for her close up at four in the morning can be challenging!
I have a few tips that will help you look awake & refreshed, even if youʼre not.
Read MoreHow Not to Look Hot
Makeup Tips from the Set with Celebrity Make Up Artist Kim Greene
Iʼm in Miami shooting the new Charlieʼs Angels pilot, so of course Iʼm thinking about how to keep the Angels looking dry & beautiful in all this heat & humidity.
Read MoreLove Magnet - Valentine's EFT with Brad Yates - Tapping into Love Beyond Belief
5000 years ago, the Ancient Chinese discovered over 100 meridians in the body. When these meridian points were activated, people were healed. Now, a culture is tapping into this same power. Tapping, literally. As you'll see in this introduction to tapping video below, tapping is a widely recognized technique to reduce stress, unblock obstacles and fears, and invite more love into your mind, body, and soul.
Read MoreThe Molecule of Love
Who knew blue green algae was supercharged with...LOVE? Read excerpts from the Allergy Research Group, as well as from scientist Christian Drapeau's book, Primordial Food, and see if you'll be running to the store for your dose of, well, LOVE! Blue green algae, aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), has been found to have high levels of phenylethylamine (PEA).
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