The precise moment of impact during self discovery, that's the stuff, that's the real McCoy. It's the feeling of amazement and peace, like you're standing in a lush field of brilliant yellow flowers that seem to endlessly blanket the horizon. A warm summer breeze brushes your cheek. You look up to see clouds clearing and the crystal clear blue sky being revealed so reverently that you stand in awe. What once seemed too distant and out of reach, like the frustration of something being on the tip of your tongue or just beyond your fingertips is now before you in all it's glory. You connect the dots and say, "Aha I get it" and suddenly you're catapulted further along your path to bliss, happiness & joy.
Read MoreKicked Out of the Nest
What I am actually saying is that we need to be willing to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly. Shakti Gawain
Read MoreFrom Grief to Peace
“There is nothing in this world that I can tell you that you already don’t know… you have just forgotten” Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now Have you ever had someone tell you, after several months of grieving, that you are on the right track?
Read MoreFind Your Healing Tribe
Seeking a Snuggie Do you have stress related back & shoulder pain and seek relief ? Would you like support in creating a healthier happier you? Does this sound like one of those late night infomercials or pitch emails, that you actually signed up for, inundating your inbox.
Read MoreLet’s Get to the Root of the Matter
Have you asked yourself lately, “How do I get back to cultivating my dreams and get out of the day to day stress and worry cycle that seems to be overtaking my thoughts?” Do you feel that you are doing everything you can just to take care of basic needs just to get through your day, only to lay your head on your pillow at night from exhaustion? Are temporary visions of glorious playtime dancing in your head only to be interrupted by the call to take care of that long list in front of you?
Read MoreTo thine own self be true
What a wonderful and insightful post by by Bronnie Ware, a woman who wrote of her experience listening to the dying words of those she took care of. What resonates for me when I read this is,
Read More"Ac-Cent-Tchu-Ate the Positive"
I recently emailed a friend to let her know how wonderful it is to have her friendship in my life, that she is a loving, talented, supportive soul. I was elated from a recent visit from her and wanted to share my appreciation. It took me all of a few minutes to send that communication to her. She said upon receiving the email, she just melted.
Read MoreGet Unstuck, Remove Past Limitations and Soar to New Personal Heights!
Spirit is the Life, Mind is the Builder and the Physical is the Result. ~Edgar Cayce (spiritualist, medical intuitive, psychic) The phrase, “mind is the builder” was the fundamental assertion behind all of the Edgar Cayce readings. In other words, your mind is the driving force and power to whom you already are, who you are becoming and what determines where you are going. Moreover, the idea that “a person is 100% responsible for their thoughts, feelings and actions” was also one of the main therapeutic tenants that characterized the American psychologist Albert Ellis in the 1950”s.
Read MoreHEART AND SOUL: Learn the language of your heart
As a little girl I can remember sitting atop the bench in front of our baby grand piano in our living room, my feet swaying high above the ground as I happily and somewhat awkwardly plucked away at the keys to the melody of Heart and Soul. A warm memory that evokes joy from my heart as I can still hear that song playing in my head today. Who doesn’t remember Tom Hanks dancing across the giant black and whites at FAO Schwarz in the movie BIG?
Read MoreCREATIVITY: Accessing the genius inside you
Accessing your creativity is the first step to awakening your inner guru. I recommend watching this inspiring talk by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of EAT PRAY LOVE
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