What I am actually saying is that we need to be willing to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly. Shakti Gawain
Who knew in my 40’s that I would be kicked out of the proverbial nest. And apropos that I would be inspired to write the story on my birthday. (October 21)
After many years of searching for my true life purpose, I finally met “the one". I had been working with my healing tribe in New York making wonderful progress and all was looking up. I decided to surrender, listen to my heart and leave my fast paced New York lifestyle behind by moving to New Mexico to further my healing and training. Yet to be certain that this was a good decision, I asked the universe to put signs in my path with no mistaking the answer. I asked, the universe answered!
Shortly after asking Spirit for guidance, I came home one evening from a gallery opening in the Chelsea Art District where I lived, and an old faded print of the quintessential Southwest cattle skull in a gold plastic poster frame was literally blocking my doorway! (1) Just that alone would cause one to pause, however I had actually met a group of students from the Sante Fe School for the Arts at the gallery opening that night as well! (2) I kid you not.
The next day, as synchronicity would have it, a friend told me that his mother was looking for someone to house sit her art studio in New Mexico (where her 2 cats, 3 polish chickens and a beautiful koi pond resided) while she took an artist residency in California. (3) No one needs to tell me twice! Well actually they do, 3 times in fact, tho I do love the power of 3! Site unseen I said "I'll take it!" and was on my way. I packed up my apt, put all in storage and flew to Sante Fe. No definite plan in mind, I chose to let go and be in the flow.
My Sante Fe Sanctuary
After several relaxing months in New Mexico, I called my mentor and said,
“This is all an incredible experience, however I have even more questions. I am trying to get in tune to know the next steps to take. Can you help point me in the right direction?” In a nutshell, she said, “I’m not going to advise you today, I want you to go outside, sit in nature and meditate and trust your answers will come.” I paused and said, “Are you kicking me out of the nest?” She laughed and said, “Yes, it is time for you to trust your inner voice and listen to your inner wisdom. You can do this! Then after you've asked for guidance, take a picture.”
Slight panic and fear welled up inside me. I thought to myself with more than an ounce of frustration, “That’s what I’ve been doing for months and I’m still confused.” I felt a bit like Morales in A Chorus Line when she sang,
…And I dug right down to the bottom of my soul to see what I had inside. Yes, I dug right down to the bottom of my soul And I tried, I tried! And Mr. Karp turns to me and he says: "Okay, Morales, what did you feel?" And I said... "Nothing, I'm feeling nothing," And he says "Nothing could get a girl transferred."
So I breathed, centered a bit, and off to the park I went .
My Spirit Guide
I sat in the park, meditated and wrote in my journal. When I was done, I took a picture. What unfolded in the photograph was astounding. I didn’t see it right away, I remember something catching my eye in the corner of the photograph. I noticed orbs in the trees and I followed the path of light. Lo and behold, there she was, my Spirit Guide, captured in a photograph!
I asked the Universe for guidance and I received so much more than I could ever have imagined.
You would think the story of my enlightenment unfolded right then and there. I got it, I knew my intended life purpose! Not so. It’s amazing when fear blocks our deepest intuition. I had glimpses & sparks of my inner truth, though fear and ego came back to greet me and I was wooed back into my old profession. I was worried that I would run out of money and not be able to sustain myself as an artist. I focused on the perception of fulfilling my financial needs versus trusting my true hearts desire. I know now that my financial needs are best inspired by joy and happiness.
Luckily events have brought me full circle and I have come to understand the phrase “You’ll know when you meet the one." For me, it was when I finally embarked on building Soul Series. I felt that expansive joy of knowingness. The knowingness that I was living my true life purpose. I said to myself, “This is it!” I committed 110%. I dug right down to the bottom of my soul to see what I had inside , I felt something, I felt happy!
Surrender and Trust
I’ve learned to surrender and trust that all manifests in divine timing. It's all about how we choose to learn and experience our life lessons . I just had to see the signs along the road pointing me in the direction to make the best choices and the best decisions for myself based in love and not fear. Thankfully my mentor kicked me out of the nest and it was up to me to fly free!