Move over Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler and Carl Jung there’s a new wave in mental health and it is called Rapid Resolution Therapy. It’s a unique and powerful approach that is brief, painless and allows for a rapid resolution from the negative effect s of any current issue or past event. The final result is a feeling of renewed emotional freedom. Rapid Resolution Therapy or RRT is the “brain child’ of Dr. Jon Connelly PhD., who initially developed this mode of treatment for trauma survivors. These methods worked so well it was expanded to help all clients. In particular, not only has RRT been found to be highly effective when clearing a traumatic event but also when addressing other issues such as abuse, anxiety, panic, depression, fear/phobias, PTSD, anger, grief or weight loss.
So how does all this work?!
The premise is based on how trauma is encoded in the brain, how we process, store and utilize information, perceive time, view basic emotions and respond to “stuff” in general. During an RRT session, the therapist will guide the client through specific processes such as multi-level communication, establishing connection, utilizing creative visualizations, changing internal geography and perceived identity. These processes engage many facets of the mind but on a much deeper level. Engaging the mind in a specific way to enhance the mind’s responsiveness is akin to the now famous studies that were conducted on the brain while studying and listening to certain classical music known as “the Mozart effect”. When brain scans were taken of the brain it was found that both the right and left hemispheres were activated, thus enhancing learning and memory.
RRT’s strength is enabling the mind to pinpoint the exact events to clear, in what order and do so quickly and painlessly while simultaneously organizing and optimizing the mind to work at its very best. Connelly developed and simplified the process of trauma resolution which he affectionately terms “clearing ghosts from the past”. For instance, a ghost from the past is defined as any past event that is currently having a negative effect or influence today and the distorted beliefs that get attached to it. This can be any event from a big “T” trauma such as war, rape, violence or a little “t” event such as your teacher calling you in front of the class to give a book report , you then became all “veklempt” and now dread speaking in front of a group of people. Moreover, when the problematic way that the mind had been working around an issue or event is cleared it leaves the client with a feeling of peace and energy. Hence, the phrase “transformational” is now widely associated with Connelly’s method.
Fast and immediate results have many benefits, the obvious one is feeling better immediately which means you will be actually looking forward to resolving your issues, the second is with faster results you spend less time in therapy which is extremely appealing to clients when their time is at a premium. But I like the one about feeling good and getting clear sooner rather than later!
Clients have the intelligence within themselves to get unstuck and move forward, sometimes we just need a little help and direction. Rapid Resolution Therapy is a phenomenal way to help people who currently want to change the way they were thinking, feeling, acting or reacting around an issue or event and who desire to move forward with their lives.
RRT is currently being researched at Georgia State University, has been cited in the Sept 2010 Soldiers Magazine of the US Army, and Colonel S. Richie-Melvan, Ph.D., and D. Vines, Ph.D. book on combat nurses in Iraq and Afghanistan entitled Angel Walk .
Post by Soul Series Contributor Laura Delle Donne, LMHC, CHt . Laura is an RRT Master Practitioner and currently in private practice with North Star Counseling Services in Tampa. 813.416.9577
Coming Soon:
The music of Mozart is of such purity and beauty that one feels he merely found it — that it has always existed as part of the inner beauty of the universe waiting to be revealed.
— Albert Einstein
Stay tuned for next month’s article on “The 3 things that get you unstuck”!