Want to be inspired today?

Learn how to access your intuition and enhance your creativity to more easily manifest what’s best for you. The first step is to connect to your divine light of wisdom within and all around you.

Once you pay attention to this abundant energetic field, the door opens for intuition and creativity flow freely.

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Tap into your richest resource, your intuition. Let your soul be in charge to lay the groundwork. Give yourself an energetic shift from the inside out.

My mini daily manifestation series teaches you how to awaken your intuition and guides you to inner peace and clarity.

Come on in Your Inner Peace is Waiting

Through practiced and thoughtful sessions, we engage your inner wisdom known as the voice of your soul, to guide you to fulfilling and manifesting your hearts desires, leaving fear behind, and lifting away obstacles in your path.

Intuition bridges the unconscious and the conscious, linked with the soul’s intent. It is the communication between the conscious body and soul and the unconscious body and soul. This connection allows us to become aware and benefit from the aspects of our soul’s wisdom and guidance, at an expanded conscious level.

Kara Delle Donne-Intuitive Life Coach

Go ahead, sit back, relax and enjoy the journey to the center of your soul. Think of us as your own personal spiritual guide showing you the way to everyday joy, peace and clarity.

Click here to learn more

Learn how to melt away stress, making room for more joy.  Are you stuck in a loop of repeating patterns and desire support for ways to open up a more positive pathway?  Do you want to feel more self trust and trust of others?  Do you want to experience more freedom and self love?   

These are just a few areas of your life that you can begin to experience positive change by simply being willing to be present to the Divine energy touching your soul each and everyday.  All you have to do is give yourself permission to activate all the wisdom and power just beneath the surface. We have the power to shape and form our lives in the direction we desire already built in.  All we need to do is make the connection, this gives us the motivation and courage to lift out of our daily ruts and routines.  Breaking through blockages and obstacles and clearing the way for a more pleasurable joyful life.  

Learn how to best utilize your infinite wisdom in accomplishing your goals.  Discover how to get greater balance for your life.  

Gems for the Soul - 21 day Energy Reboot program

21 Day Energy Reboot

Uncover your amazing chakra system.
Learn more about how these powerful energy channels have the ability to heal your body and manifest your intentions.
When all 7 chakras are in balance, you are living your best life!

The key to optimal health and vitality is in our energetic architecture, an important part of our energy anatomy is our chakra system. Our chakras influence all aspects of our lives; career, relationships, prosperity, security, empowerment, creativity, expression, sexuality, health, intuition, and spirituality. Take a few minutes each day to strengthen and energize your chakra system. If you want your own personal dream doula, tap into your energy centers to open up the flow to manifest and create!

Sign up for my newlsetter to learn more about my Energy Reboot program coming soon.

Scroll over to our fun interactive Chakra Chart to see how you can improve your energy to get your life moving in the direction you desire most.

Crown (7th) Chakra: located at the top of the head. Violet: wisdom, spirituality, clarity, consciousness, enlightenment Universal Identity: Oriented to Self-knowledge. To Know. Do: Envision the light coming down through the crown chakra. Spark your intuitive guidance by praying to open the door to greater levels of connection to the divine spirit and your soul. Affirmation: I am guided by my higher power. I am guided by my inner wisdom, easily, effortlessly, and graciously.  I am open to new ideas. Tone: B Third Eye (6th) Chakra: located in the center of the forehead. Indigo: vision, intuition, imagination, truth. Archetypal Identity: Oriented to Self-reflection. To see. Do: Meditate, connect & listen to your inner guru.  Write & post a positive affirmation on your mirror, read aloud daily and focus on bringing this to fruition in your life. Start a dream journal. Affirmation: I see with love and joy.  My mind and body are in perfect balance. I manifest and trust my vision, easily, effortlessly, and graciously. Tone: A Throat (5th) Chakra: located in the throat. Blue: clear communication, tranquility, peace, harmony, and truth. Creative Identity; Oriented to Self-Expression. To speak and to hear truth. Do: Express your truth. Write in a journal. Start a dream journal. Turn on music and sing. Be authentic. Affirmation: I declare peace and harmony within me and around me.  I hear and speak the truth.  I express myself freely and joyously.  I speak up for myself with ease.  I express my creativity.  I am willing to change. Tone: G Heart (4th) Chakra: located in the center of the chest. Green: compassion, love, forgiveness, grace, peace, healing and growth. Social Identity: Oriented to Self- acceptance. To love and to be loved. Do: Practice unconditional love, compassion, self-love, giving and receiving love, especially with a pet.  Do something unexpected, even outrageous for another person. Do breathing exercises. Affirmation: My heart beats to the rhythm of love. I am loving to myself and others. There is an infinite supply of love. Tone: F Solar Plexis (3rd) Chakra: located above the navel. Yellow: energy, confidence, self-esteem, joy, power and will. Ego Identity: Oriented to Self definition. To act and to be free. Do: Charge your energy by spending time in the sun. Movement recharges your body. Affirmation: I accomplish goals easily and effortlessly.  I take in life in perfect balance.  I lovingly live life to the fullest.  My life is sweet. I digest life with ease. My power comes from within. Tone: E Sacral (2nd) Chakra: located in the lower abdomen, womb. Orange: creativity, sexual vitality, fertility, intimacy, and pleasure. Emotional Identity: Oriented to Self-gratification. To feel and to want. Do: Walk in the moonlight, take a bubble bath, play in the ocean. Affirmation: I move easily and effortlessly.  I lovingly and joyously accept my sexuality and it’s expression.  I comfortably and easily release the old and welcome in the new in my life. I am safe.  I love and approve of myself. Tone: D Root (1st) Chakra: located at the base of the spine. Red: Stability, security, strength, prosperity, trust and grounding. Physical Identity: Oriented to Self-preservation. To be and to have. Do: Reconnect to the earth and dig your feet into the dirt. Walk in nature, hug a tree, take your shoes off and walk on the beach! Affirmation: I love my body and trust its wisdom, I am always safe and secure. I am filled with the unlimited abundance of the universe and manifest all that I desire. Tone: C

Click below for your free spirited exercise and mini mediation designed to activate joy and connect you to your inner wisdom and guidance.


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